USA Holiday
Hello from Emily and Stephen whilst we are travelling overseas.

These pictures here were taken while we were in New York. Emily's was taken whilst on the Staten Island Ferry and mine in front of Central Park while waiting for the tour bus.
Check out the car we hired in LA below. We were after a real USA experience so I figure we would hire a real yank tank - well they come no bigger than the Hummer !

Emily had a go as well :
We did some fishing in Las Vegas on Lake Mead - the big chunk of water that sits behind Hoover Dam. Emily outfished me about 4 to 1 but that is always the way. We were fishing for Stripped Bass. The boat we went on was really crappy, it looked as if it had not been cleaned ever, the motor sounded like it was constantly missing, it failed to start once, the guide spent the whole time smoking ! I should be a pohm the way I am whinging. We did catch some fish though.
This should give you a good idea of what we were fishing for. We bottom bashed with what I would best described as silver mackeral lures. There was not much fight to these fellows but there were boated in some numbers.
If you have any ideas what the equivilent is in Australia then let me know.
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